Category: Apple

  • Back to Mac, I replaced my ol’ Macbook battery and got double battery life

    Why I threw in the towel If you read my blog, you will know that last year I moved to Windows 10 after 8 years happily using a Mac Mini and a Macbook. I did it mostly because of the low battery life of my Macbook (around 2 hours) and because of that news saying Windows now…

  • Web Developer: From Mac to Windows

    It’s been more than a year since the first time this idea came to my head, moving to Windows after so many happy years on Mac. It was really a mixture of at least three things: a need of more battery life, Windows 10 apparently being a decent OS (and with Ubuntu shell!) and Apple going crazy removing…

  • Free movie conversion for iPad

    Do you have movies that you want to see in your iPad with the best quality/compression? Aren’t you afraid of OSX terminal? Then let’s go to learn something new! If you still don’t have installed brew on your Mac, start with that: And after install brew, we must install ffmpeg, this is the tool we’ll use…